I recently attended a naturalization interview for an Irvine client. He had been a permanent resident for almost a decade when he decided to pursue naturalization. He came to me in late 2013 asking about the naturalization process. I explained that he was eligible for naturalization because he had been a permanent resident for over five years and he had no moral character issues during the last five years. He told me he wanted to naturalize so he could petition for his parents who still lived in South America. They had retired and he hoped to have them move to the US so they could help take care of my client’s young children.
We helped him gather the necessary documents in order to naturalize. We prepared all the forms and evidence and filed the case in December 2013. Everything processed smoothly without any delays or requests for evidence. The interview was scheduled about four months after we filed the N-400. The interview went forward in the Santa Ana office of USCIS. the officer was new, and I had never worked with her before. She conducted a relaxed and efficient interview and we were well prepared with all the necessary documents. My client passed the naturalization exams including the civics, reading and writing tests. The total time for the interview as just over a half hour.
We anticipate receiving the oath ceremony notice within the next few weeks. Once my client takes the naturalization oath, we will file I-130 visa petitions for his mother and father. We have already started putting together the necessary evidence and information so we are ready to file as soon as we have proof of my client’s US citizen status. I expect the total processing time for the I-130 visa petitions and consular interview will be around 8 months. Hopefully, his parents can arrive in the US before the end of the year.
If you are considering the naturalization process or want to petition for your parents to become permanent residents, contact The Nunez Firm to schedule a consultation. Managing attorney Jay Nunez will personally meet with you to help you better understand the process, what to expect and which options are best for you.
Categories: : I-130, immigration lawyer, interview, Irvine, N-400, naturalization, parent of US citizen, parents, Santa Ana, USCIS, visa petition