We helped them collect the necessary evidence to prove good faith marriage including utility bills, apartment leases and joint insurance among other things. We filed the I-130 visa petition and I-485 adjustment of status application concurrently along with the other required forms and evidence. Within four months, the interview in Santa Ana was scheduled. I prepared them for the interview beforehand and advised them on what to expect. We brought additional evidence to prove good faith marriage when we attended the interview. Everything went smoothly at the interview. My clients knew which questions would be asked and they were calm and prepared. At the conclusion of the interview, the USCIS officer approved the case.
Because the marriage was less than two years old at the time the green card was approved, my client will receive a conditional resident card that is valid for two years. He will need to file the I-751 petition to remove conditions in two years.
The couple was very pleased with the result. They plan to travel to my client’s home country and have a large wedding in the Catholic Church in a few months. They’re even more excited about the honeymoon.
If you are considering the marriage-based green card process, contact Nelson & Nuñez to schedule a consultation. Every year we represent more than a dozen marriage-based green card cases at the Santa Ana, Los Angeles and San Bernardino offices of USCIS. Nelson & Nuñez will personally meet with you to assess whether your case is eligible for adjustment of status or consular processing.
Categories: : adjustment of status, good faith marriage, green card, I-130, I-485, Irvine, marriage, Santa Ana, USCIS, visa petition